This calming and peaceful grid sits atop the Sri Yantra sacred geometry. The four triangle facing upward represent the masculine and the five triangles facing down represent the feminine. The center dot (the Bindu) is a representation of Source of the universe. How the triangles embrace with each and with the center is demonstrative of our universal interconnectedness. To illuminate and amplify the healing that is available to our mind, body, soul, masculine and feminine energies, a Clear Crystal Quartz has been placed at the center of the grid. Smokey quartz points direct the positive, healing energy outward into your space and life. Sprinkled throughout the grid are brown and grey hematite pieces that also balances emotions and energy between the mind body and spirit. Snowflake Jasper is known as the "Warrior Stone" which stimulates our prana, or life force energy and vitality. With Strawberry Quartz and Rose Quartz surrounding the masculine and feminine triangles and the Bindu, the healing energy of love brings balance to these forces in your life. At each corner of the grid are large Botswana Agates. Not only are their swirls of color fascinating to examine but the stones harmonize yin and yang and positive and negative forces. They also assist in bringing emotional, physical and intellectual balance.
Crystals included:
Clear Quartz Crystal - Obelisk Tower
Smokey Quartz points
Garnet triangles
Snowflake Jasper
Purple Ocean Jasper
Strawberry Quartz
Rose Quartz
Pink Peruvian Opal
White Jade
Botswana Agate
The grid includes a copper spiral to amplify and send out the energy of your grid into your space & heart as well as selenite pieces to keep the crystals’ energy clean 24/7.
This grid was cleaned and then charged under the Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23, 2021. Usher in healing and balancing energy to your home with this powerful grid!
**Carefully and lovingly packaged with sage, Palo Santo, sandalwood, love and light.**