
  • It's Not About You

    Earlier I posted about a healing experience I had while participating in a breath work class.  I wanted to elaborate on that experience because I f...
  • For Results: Do The Work

    Many of us like to look to distractions or the outside world to fulfill empty or unhealed places within.  But once the distractions are over at the...
  • Resonating With Your Tribe

    Something I’ve found interesting about people in general is we can accept that we outgrow friendships from our childhood and our teen years as well...
  • Practicing Gratitude Through Difficulty

    So often I hear speakers like Wayne Dyer and Abraham Hicks talk about gratitude and finding happiness to raise our vibration in such a way that we ...
  • How My Journey Began..

    From the time I could remember, I spent each Sunday going to church with my parents.  My parents even enrolled me in the elementary school that our...